Joel Sartore has traveled all over the world to photograph. He has contributed many photos to magazines, newspapers and journals. This may sound like thousands of photographers condensed bio, but Sartore differs. His photography documents endangered species and heavily impacted environments. His goal is to show a world worth saving. With this objective Joel Sartore fits the perfect model for conservation photography.
Captive Northern Spotted Owl in a clearcut near Merlin, Oregon
A mountain goat stretches to reach a mineral lick in the Walton area of Glacier National Park
A gentoo penguin (IUCN: Near Threatened) colony on Danco Island, Antartica
"Flying fish" (minnows) over the Powder River in Wyoming, an ecosystem threatened by coal bed methane development
In King's Canyon National Park, California, chytrid fungus has swept through with a vengeance. Shown are some of the last southern mountain yellow-legged frogs as they lay dead from the fungus.
Her spawning complete, a female sockeye salmon spends her final hours out of the current too swift for her to stay upright.
Black-Footed Ferret (IUCN Red List Threatened Species)
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